Supervisor Collection

Allvacon - Jakarta
penawaran baru (05/05/2024)

uraian tugas

- Menganalisa data AR dan merancang strategi koleksi untuk memastikan uang masuk sesuai target yang ditetapkan perusahaan
- ⁠Berkoordinasi dengan tim internal untuk percepatan penyelesaian issue-issue penagihan
- ⁠Menyusun kebijakan yang dituangkan kedalam SOP collection untuk mengawal proses collection berjalan sesuai KPI
- ⁠Mengawal proses collection sesuai dengan KPI perusahaan untuk memastikan percepatan uang masuk, mulai dari :
ketepatan waktu pengumpulan dan akurasi dokumen-dokumen pendukung dari pihak internal, follow-up terhadap dokumen-dokumen yang diterbitkan RS, ketepatan waktu penukaran faktur
- ⁠Melakukan negosiasi dan memberikan langkah taktis untuk tagihan-tagihan jatuh tempo
- ⁠Menyusun dashboard dan report collection secara harian, mingguan, dan bulanan

PT. Allvamed Nuvacon Adigana aims to bring better Arthroscopy products and services in Indonesia. Today, patients and surgeons are challenged to achieve high-quality arthroscopy solutions because of insufficient instruments, expensive equipment, and a lack of service satisfaction. The Allvacon brand as a service product aims to make arthroscopic surgery truly accessible to everyone. We are here to facilitate surgeons in providing the highest quality care for patients through innovative and of course cost-effective equipment. By leveraging affiliations with global suppliers, PT. Allvamed Nuvacon Adigana strives to provide genuine value to patients with our affordable, comprehensive and best-of-breed services. PT Allvamed Nuvacon Adigana will expand its services throughout Indonesia and beyond. To achieve these goals, we need a passionate, creative and energetic management team to develop this opportunity to be bigger and more widespread.
PT. Allvamed Nuvacon Adigana aims to bring better Arthroscopy products and services in Indonesia. Today, patients and surgeons are challenged to achieve high-quality arthroscopy solutions because of insufficient instruments, expensive equipment, and a lack of service satisfaction. The Allvacon brand as a service product aims to make arthroscopic surgery truly accessible to everyone. We are here to facilitate surgeons in providing the highest quality care for patients through innovative and of course cost-effective equipment. By leveraging affiliations with global suppliers, PT. Allvamed Nuvacon Adigana strives to provide genuine value to patients with our affordable, comprehensive and best-of-breed services. PT Allvamed Nuvacon Adigana will expand its services throughout Indonesia and beyond. To achieve these goals, we need a passionate, creative and energetic management team to develop this opportunity to be bigger and more widespread.

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Supervisor Collection

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