Mechanical & Electrical Lead Engineer

Pt bernofarm - Kabupaten Sidoarjo
penawaran baru (16/05/2024)

uraian tugas

  • Membuat timeline dan memastikan timeline project berjalan sesuai dengan target
  • Membuat jadwal untuk preventive dan maintenance mesin
  • Memastikan jadwal preventive berjalan sesuai dengan rencana
  • Mengkoordinir tim untuk mencapai target yang sudah ditentukan
  • Memonitor seluruh pelaksanaan project dan evaluasinya

Since Bernofarm was first established in 1971, our company has been devoted to providing the Indonesian market with products of exceptional quality. Our business motto, “Develop to Serve”, ensures that all our business practices, products and services add significant value to Indonesia’s health care development. With the help of dedicated and highly motivated employees, we have been able to provide effective health care solutions to the Indonesian community and will continue to evolve in this highly competitive &
fast growing pharmaceutical business.
Since Bernofarm was first established in 1971, our company has been devoted to providing the Indonesian market with products of exceptional quality. Our business motto, “Develop to Serve”, ensures that all our business practices, products and services add significant value to Indonesia’s health care development. With the help of dedicated and highly motivated employees, we have been able to provide effective health care solutions to the Indonesian community and will continue to evolve in this highly competitive &
fast growing pharmaceutical business.

Daftar sekarang untuk
Mechanical & Electrical Lead Engineer

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