Graphic Designer

Kompas gramedia - Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat
penawaran baru (02/05/2024)

uraian tugas

  • Merancang panduan layout dan tipografi untuk isi buku.
  • Memodifikasi gambar (retouch image).
  • Mempersiapkan materi permintaan nomor ISBN.
  • Membuat konsep dan desain cover buku.
  • Membuat iklan, poster, video, merchandise, dan materi promosi lainnya untuk menunjang kegiatan sales dan marketing.
  • Mengupload File ke PIS dan Arsip.
  • Mengelola freelancer (ilustrator, setter, vendor) untuk membuat konsep dan desain isi, cover, dan lainnya.
  • Update terhadap perkembangan teknologi dan perubahan zaman.
  • Kolaborasi dengan penerbit Kadokawa

Kompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal:
enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation;
strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives.
Our vision is to enlight all the people in Indonesia with all the knowledge we have.
Kompas Gramedia, through its more than 50 years of history, is striving for one goal:
enlightening and empowering Indonesia. To ensure that we are able to serve the nation for another 50 years, we are undergoing a digital transformation;
strengthening and expanding our solid business pillars by developing new digital business initiatives.
Our vision is to enlight all the people in Indonesia with all the knowledge we have.

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Graphic Designer

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