Customer Operation Hybrid

Pt. revolusi kesehatan indonesia - Yogyakarta
penawaran baru (07/05/2024)

uraian tugas

  1. Melayani pelanggan dengan ramah melalui panggilan telepon, email, atau pesan
  2. Menanggapi permintaan, keluhan/komplain, dan masalah pelanggan dengan solusi yang tepat
  3. Memproses pesanan pelanggan dari awal assesment hingga jadwal visit selesai
  4. Memberikan panduan dan dukungan teknis kepada pelanggan
  5. Mengelola basis data pelanggan dan memastikan keakuratannya
  6. Berkomunikasi dan berkoordinasi dengan tim internal untuk menyelesaikan masalah pelanggan
  7. Melakukan monitoring visit pelanggan dan membuat laporannya

PT. Revolusi Kesehatan Indonesia is a health-tech startup from Indonesia to make it easier for clients to get Physiotherapy, Nursing, Speech Therapy services at home. PT. Revolusi Kesehatan Indonesia provides platform that makes it easy for patients to get comfortable in Physiotherapy, Nursing and Speech Therapy services at home and whenever needed without having to go through a complicated and time-consuming process.
PT. Revolusi Kesehatan Indonesia is a health-tech startup from Indonesia to make it easier for clients to get Physiotherapy, Nursing, Speech Therapy services at home. PT. Revolusi Kesehatan Indonesia provides platform that makes it easy for patients to get comfortable in Physiotherapy, Nursing and Speech Therapy services at home and whenever needed without having to go through a complicated and time-consuming process.

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Customer Operation Hybrid

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